Хижи и Заслони
- Хижа Вихрен0749 84092,0749 84091
- Хижа Безбог07447/21-20,0888 286 102
- Хижа Бъндерица07498 26-83,0896/688-466
- Хижа Демяница07443 / 40-92,0896/688-465
- Хижа Яворов07447/21 20,0888 28 61 02
- Хижа Каменица0746/3 03 85
- Хижа Пирин0896 766 152,0896 766 154
- Хижа Синаница07433 4547,0888 210 180
- Хижа Яне Сандански0746/3 03 85,0898 688 395
- Хижа Предел07481/285,0887/549704
- Заслон Тевно Езеро0749/ 82 79,0896/688 467
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- Bansko gathers the best snowboarders in the world
- Bansko Puts up its Easter Decorations
- Bansko Opens the New Winter Season on December 16
- The Starchevata Festival to be Held for 7th Year in a Row
- Folklore Festival to Gather Fans at Eleshnitsa
- Tourist Boom in the Bear Park Near Belitsa
- Summer Theater Begins in Bansko