Bansko officially opens the new History exhibition

Bansko officially opens the new History exhibition

Bansko officially opened "Old Bulgarian alphabet and state of mind" exhibition in the Historical Spiritual Center, Paisii Hilendarski.

The exhibition explores the role of the Old Bulgarian state to work against preserving the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Fifteen panels were uncovered teaching the facts of these two saints and their students, Tsar Boris I, Mihail Pokrastital, Tsar Simeon the Great and King Petar I. Also in the newly uncovered teachings are contributions to new writing and speech of the medieval Christian Civilization.

The exhibition described by Professor Plamen Pavlov and Professor Bozhidar Dimitrov from Veliko Turnovo University and authors of the texts as an Open book.

The exhibition is that of a joint initiative of the 'memory Bulgaria, Sofia Foundation futuritues, Pernik National Museum of History and organized with the assistance of the Reginal Historical Museum, in Blagoevgrad.

Bansko is proud to be the only city outside of Bulgaria's Capital, Sofia to present such an exhibition. "Old Bulgaria state and state of mind" is firstly located in the National Museum of History in Sofia.

The set of where the this exhibition is located in Bansko was named Historical Spiritual Center, St. Paisiy Hilendarski purposely, as the essence of the Bulgarian culture has evolved around the alphabet states that the secret is concentrated in our national spirit.

Bansko officially opens the new History exhibition

The exhibition opened the day when the Orthodox Church celebrated the Feast Day Transfiguration. The day is celebrated by Christians as remembrance of the heavenly glory and power of the Savior.

The context of that day is interpretative of the importance of writing for the glory and power of the Bulgarian State.

This truly fascinating exhibition will remain in Bansko until the middle of October this year when guest Delchev will visit the town.

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