Bansko Hotels Filled with Construction Workers


The hotels in Bansko are filled, not with tourists, but with construction workers. The influx of laborers is due to the increased construction/remodeling going on in the resort town.

Local hoteliers are once more getting ready to open their doors for the upcoming winter season.

Bansko hotel

Traditionally, about 50 hotel complexes and guest houses closed at the end of the last winter season and remained so for 6 months.

Representatives of the tourism business are forced to close during the summer, because the amount of tourists is incredibly low and the revenue generated is not enough to cover the costs of insurance, electric bills, wages, etc.

The opening of hotels for the winter means that there will be an increased demand for staff. Nearly 4000 people work in the tourist business in Bansko during the winter, most of them being on a permanent employment contract and working at the Black Sea beaches in the summertime.

Realistically, 350 to 400 new trained staff, who speak English, Russian, Greek and/or Romanian, will be needed.

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